
9 Facts and Points to Know About Online Privacy

Security is important at any time. That is hard to argue, isn’t it? But, recent pandemic times changed everything and forced us to rearrange priorities dramatically. Some things that people didn’t consider as important very much before started to be extremely important now. These are secured social distance and personal safety measures. But, this is also about Internet safety. There are lots of facts about Internet safety when users experience not very pleasant things related to personal and banking details, life experiences with other people, etc. In this article, we will cover briefly and informatively the most widespread facts and things about Internet safety, what is a VPN used for preventing unpleasant occasions and consequences of privacy threats, and many other things. Let’s begin with the importance.

Why is online privacy important?

The more secure environment you have, the more opportunities for professional and personal growth you have. The more resources you have – the more important the matter of security may become to be for you. If you think that cyber threats are somewhere far away from you, that is lucky if this is so. But, in fact, you may visit some news websites and get on track.

Who may steal your details? Anybody who has the desire for that, technical tools, and basic knowledge on the matter. Okay, are you wondering what they can do with personal details if they actually get access to those? That is a point difficult to predict. But, there were lots of online facts when users experienced cyber-attacks and got their personal emails and accounts lost, were blackmailed, their funds were withdrawn, and personal information shared with an unlimited number of reviewers.

How can you predict those threats? It is not possible to identify why and at what time hackers (and who also) will decide to reach you. iPhone users may especially suffer from those. These fashionable devices attract a lot of attention not only from users who strive to build and maintain their own style but also from different cybercriminals. But, if you are an iPhone holder, you can still protect yourself well. If you think this may cost you a lot, this is not so, in fact. Simply download VPN for iPhone and use it. What is VPN on iPhone? A simple application you can find and install to switch your IP address and become untraceable during Internet searches. VeePN is proven to be a workable tool that can make your device and calmness far less vulnerable, thanks to hiding your device.

How Do I Keep My Privacy Online?

If you have realized that you need something to do to secure your daily Internet surfing, personal and banking details, this is the right time to ask yourself these questions. What have you done to make your devices more or less secure and not become among online factsrelated to cyber-attacks? How are your personal details protected? Do you have secure passwords and keys applied? How are your banking details protected? What are you going to do with connecting to many websites daily? There are many facts about the Internet that signifies this is not only a safe place but a spot for cybercriminals. But, in fact, you may solve all mentioned questions simply by arranging a safe Internet connection using a VPN service at least.

Have you read all these things and still have doubts whether you really need any security tool? Are you a holder of a device with Android? You don’t think that somebody can become interested in your personal details? That is reckless, in fact. Android holders also suffer from hacker attacks. You don’t want opportunities for fun to cybercriminals simply because of not having enough security means, do you? The best Android VPN can assist you with preventing becoming a target for cybercriminals. How to get a VPN? Follow the link and install an app in a couple of clicks. It is easy to use a trialversion and get first-hand experience about features that a good security tool provides. Why are those important? The experience of attacks is so vast. But, these 9 facts may help you to reaffirm you really need to care about secured Internet surfing.

What Do I Need to Know About Online Privacy? 9 Basic Facts

Do you still have doubts about whether you need any security measures? Becoming aware of simple facts about Internet security may convince you in taking more time to arrange real privacy for your devices. Ready to explore figures confirming why security is really important?

If you have doubts, you are not alone. At least 60% of users don’t believe in the anonymity and security of the Internet.

At least 15% of users experienced cases of stolen personal and banking details, broken social media accounts, lost social security numbers, and similar things at least once.

At least 12% of users have gained unpleasant experience of spying after them.

20% of users have experienced hacker attacks. Such occurred both with emails and social media accounts.

Keeping your profile on social media platforms open increases the risk of cyber attacks by 40%.

7% of respondents reported about the experience of scams and different frauds with their details.

55% of online users recklessly share their real location. And they get extra risks a bit later.

At least 6% of respondents lost employment, business, and other opportunities because of cyberattacks.

70% of respondents were not satisfied with privacy policies and considered those ineffective in the case of real threats.

Final Words

Hope that lots of mentioned statements can persuade you – it is necessary to take at least basic steps for ensuring Internet safety. There is always an opportunity of not adding your information to the number of facts about internet safety with the negative final. That is possible and easy to arrange simply having secured passwords, preventing unnecessary sharing of details you have, and having a VPN app at least. Stay safe and secured while surfing and at work.


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