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What is the Glycemic Index of Fruits


Each fruit has a specific glycemic index. It reveals the effect of carbohydrate content and blood sugar levels. So, what is the glycemic index of fruits? Dr. Hasan Erdem from Turkeyreplied to all your questions.

What is the Glycemic Index of Fruits?

The glycemic index of fruits is a factor that determines the effect of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels. In this way, it is possible to see how quickly food carbohydrates affect blood sugar. The glycemic index value ranges from 0 to 100. Glucose and white bread are 100. Meat value is zero.

In other foods, the glycemic index is determined by the reference point. It is higher in foods that are slow to digest. Foods with a low glycemic index are effective in controlling blood sugar. The rate at which each carbohydrate is converted into different blood sugar is different. This value is used to determine the rate at which food turns into blood sugar.

How Is The Glycemic Index Defined?

All carbohydrates are defined by certain values ​​according to their glycemic response to the body. The numerical term determined for the glycemic index value is called GI. This value corresponds to a value between 1 and 100. Nutritional supplements affected by high blood sugar are also higher than others. The glycemic index value of the fruit is determined by the glucose index.

The value of the glycemic glucose index is considered 100. All other fruits are then determined according to this standard. Accordingly, it is possible to give an idea about the amount of blood sugar. Briefly, the glycemic index is a measure of the amount of carbohydrate-containing food that raises blood sugar. The person makes a nutrition plan according to the index value of the fruits and keeps the blood sugar in balance.

What is the Glycemic Index Scale?

Due to its high glycemic index, the value in the fruit is determined. On average, these values ​​range from 1 to 100. It is defined as low, medium or high. Foods with a low glycemic index raise blood sugar slowly.

Glucose in white bread is considered a reference. The glycemic index values ​​of these foods are 100. Foods with an index below 55 have a low glycemic index. It has been determined that fruits between 55 and 70 have a half glycemic index. Foods with a value above 70 fall into the category of foods with a high glycemic index. According to the data, the structure of the foods is checked and the nutrition list is prepared.

How to Choose a Food Based on Glycemic Index Value?

It is very important to choose a nutrition program according to their glycemic index. In this way, a healthy diet and a healthy life are possible. At the same time, it is possible to reduce the risk of many diseases. Although foods have a low glycemic index, consuming them daily is not harmful. In other words, a person can consume a low-index food every day.

There is a restriction on the consumption of foods with a medium glycemic index. Eating these foods once a week is recommended by experts. Foods with high glycemic acid content should be consumed within certain limits every month. This way, you can eat healthy.

What Are Low-Glycemic Index Foods?

Patients who want to follow a low glycemic index diet can eat these foods. Foods under 55 are foods that take a long time to digest because of carbohydrates. These gradually raise blood sugar. These foods are oats, barley, butter, olive oil, starchy vegetables, broccoli, boiled carrots, milk, eggs, seafood, fish, nuts, walnuts, spices, coconut, and vegetable soup. In addition, many fruit varieties, chocolate, ice cream, chickpeas, beans, lentils, bulgur, peas and soybeans are also in this group.

What Are Medium Glycemic Index Foods?

Foods with a glycemic index between 55 and 70 are limited. These foods are brown rice, couscous, processed bread, rye bread, instant oats, honey, orange juice, soft drinks, dates, pineapple, bananas, mangoes, popcorn, French fries, and zucchini.

What Are Examples of High-Glycemic Index Foods?

Foods with a high glycemic index should be consumed with caution. Foods whose value exceeds 70 are in this group. Foods in this category are: white bread, cookies, breakfast cereals, pasta, short grain white rice, watermelon, cantaloupe, corn, plain potatoes, processed sweets, rice crackers, cereal, and rice porridge, boiled potatoes.

Why is the Glycemic Index Value Important?

In order for the person to always stay healthy, maintain blood sugar and control his weight, he should choose the foods in his diet according to the glycemic index. In this way, you can continue to lead a healthier life. If you are planning a diet with a high glycemic index in your diet, you should also consume foods with a low GI value.

Some foods belong to both glycemic index groups. Many processes, such as diet and supplementation, affect the value of the glycemic index. It is best to consume foods with low and medium glycemic index. Meat and fatty foods have no index value. Because these foods do not contain carbohydrates.

How Do Foods with a High Glycemic Index Affect?

Foods with high glycemic index raise blood sugar in the body in a short time. Thus, insulin and fat levels in the body increase. These foods can be digested in a short time. As a result of this feature, you will be hungry again in a short time. These foods are not suitable for diabetics.