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 The current status of Exams 2022 on GSCEs and A-levels


After the major hit of the pandemic, the lockdown and subsequent shift to virtual learning has forced the educational pattern to change. Everything is getting habituated with the new norms, including the student-teacher dynamic, the examination system and analyzing the shortcomings. Even old-school teaching allowed teachers to make rounds of the classroom and individually assess the performance and understanding of every student. The pattern of the exam and subjects are becoming way more than different from the previous format. When you opt for GSCE coursework helpyou have to keep some new techniques to remember.

For most students worldwide, the end of the school year is associated with high stakes. As exams have been given the utmost priority for many years, the priority of the exams is still not over even in 2022.

But of course, some patterns and formats are changed and upgraded. Examinations always plan an important equity role in limiting the effects of patronage and opening up access to educational opportunities for students, even from relatively disadvantaged backgrounds.

According to Twitter, “With the Coronavirus forcing the educational institutions closures and bans of group gatherings, many substitute solutions and measures are being introduced for the exams that students have been preparing to take.”

But if you search particularly for GSCE subjects and A-levels, you might opt for a completely new and updated exam approach in 2022. students make their GSCE subjects based on their choices. Also, they want to pursue A-levels subjects to ensure that the exam must be held.

There are many foundations and schools are handling GSCE subjects, and they have the rule to allocate the exams as well.

However, these decisions are consciously taken to evaluate the students’ efficiency, but the present situation is not obvious to take such important exams in schools. While students are pursuing A-level subjects, they know to prioritize the exams as well.

Taking GSCE coursework will help you get in-depth knowledge on this. But before that, let’s have a clear idea of the GSCE options.

Which GSCE should you take? 

This is completely dependent on your own interests. You can choose optional subjects if your school allows you to choose, and your future plans of course. Remember, you are at the driving seat now, and you have the control to get set your gear!

How many GSCEs should you take? 

You should always prefer taking at least nine subjects. Most courses and jobs you might want to apply for in the future require to have grades between 9 and 4 in a minimum of five subjects.

Which GSCE options are compulsory? 

There are plenty of GSCE subjects that are considered mandatory. Math, English, and Science are the core subjects everyone must take at GSCE worldwide. In addition, English language is compulsory in most schools, and so is English literature in the majority of schools.

Other than that, science may be split into three separate sciences (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics). Also, it is combined with science subjects of GCSE.

What GSCE options can you mostly found? 

When choosing the GSCE options, you will get the advantage of choosing your own subjects. You can choose, for instance.

A modern foreign language. Most of the institutions teach French, German, Spanish. But some schools also prefer to offer languages like Mandarin and Russian. Some schools even require you to take a modern foreign language, so check with your teachers whether these are part of your options or compulsory.

A humanity subject like History, Geography, or religious studies.

An arts subject like music assignment help, drama, art, and design or media studies

A technical subject such as design and technology, food technology, or computer science

You can take time and make your mind when choosing such options for GSCE subjects. You can ask our teachers when choosing such subjects. You can choose the topics as per your interest.

Can I change my GSCE subjects? 

 Yes, you might be able to change that, but it’s likely to depend on whether you are able to change the subjects or not. Remember that choosing your subject is also choosing according to your timetable. So think hard before deciding and ask your teachers about the plan for subjects you have the interest.

If you take GSCE coursework help, you will get to know about the facts and features of the latest syllabus and proceed according to that.

When do you have to choose and pick your GSCE subjects?

In most of the countries, choosing GSCE subjects vary depending on age. Most of the time, GSCE starts at the age of 9, but in some schools, this might happen at the age of 8 also at the age of 7. However, it is too early to start such subjects. Different schools will ask students to pick their options at different times, but you will get plenty of notice and information from your teachers.

Now coming to the exam matters, you have to know what the decisions are taking regarding GSCE and A-levels subjects. Governments of a few countries published long-awaiting consultations on changes to GSCE and A level exams in 2022. On a similar note, many exams were also proposed in 2021, but they were cancelled. Below you can find a brief idea about this.

Take a glance on what you need to know.

1) Choice of topics for some GSCEs

A different pattern of the exam was proposed in 2021 before their cancellation, and the Government is again trying to propose the correct pattern of exams. In addition, the boards will offer a “choice of topics beyond a common core on which students would answer questions in the exams.” in some GSCE subjects.

This will apply in GSCE core subjects like English literature, history, and ancient history.

For GSCE Geography specifically, the Government is thinking about proposing a “choice of content beyond a common core on which students would answer questions in the exams.” Basically, the changes to the subject like Geography would be in addition to changes to fieldwork assessments already announced by the several Government.

2) Advance information for most subjects 

The Government is thinking about and proposing a specific pattern regarding the exam. It provides advanced information about the “focus of the content of the exams.” in the “majority of subjects” at GSCE, AS, and A level for 2022 exams.

This would apply to all the subjects related to the A levels and GSCE both. But students can’t get this advantage on the topics like GSCE English literature, ancient history, history and geography, and GSCE, AS and A level art and design. Also, advanced information is not available for the subjects, whereas the choice of topics has been proposed because the Government fears that this would likely be given an unfair advantage to the students who study such subjects. Also, Government thinks that “The decision could undermine the rigor and value of the qualifications.”

However, if the Government decides not to focus or decide not to introduce a topic on these subjects, it would propose offering advance information instead.

3) Advance info may come this spring, but you can get it earlier 

The government is working on all the general rules related to the exams of GSCE and A level subjects. They are giving advance information in the spring term to actually help students to focus on their revision time before the final exam.

However, it entirely depends on the possible pandemic situation; if the situation worsens, the Government will be responsible for making a sudden decision without any prior intimation. Also, the advanced information related to this subject will also help the teachers to know the content properly, and they will be able to prepare the proper questionnaire. Even this early information will also help the teachers to focus on their remaining teaching time.

4) Practical Science by demonstration 

As discussed before, the pattern of learning and teaching are both changing. Things related to learning are evaluating and coming up with greater possibilities. The Government is proposing that for specific subjects such as: GSCE biology, chemistry, physics and combines science, as biology, chemistry, physics and geology and AS and A level environmental science – teachers will be given the utmost priority and opportunity to deliver practical science work by demonstration. Demonstration works brilliantly to make students understand the value of the subject.

According to the Government: “Students could observe a demonstration by the teacher or observe the practical work by undertaken remotely, for example, by watching a demonstration online or on video.”

The video presentation will be quite helpful to understand the value of the subjects and know them well. The consultation also proposed that teachers will also be allowed to assess the Common Practical Assessment Criteria (CPAC) for the practical endorsement for A-level biology, chemistry, physics, and geology.

5) Art and design assessed on portfolio only 

The Government is actually proposing a detailed assessment on portfolios based on art and design. These are specifically for GSCE, AS, and A-level art and design subjects. So, students basically should be assessed on their portfolio only.

6) Exam sheet formulae sheet for GSCE math 

The Government is deciding and proposing the plan to the students who are sitting this year for GSCE math paper that it is allowed to access to a formulae sheet in the exam room.

This was attempted last year, and it was found that GSCE math was ‘identified as a subject where this support would be particularly appropriate.’

There are plenty of initiatives that the Government has taken from last year. Few were implemented as there were lockdowns and shutdowns happened. A formulae sheet is to be distributed to the students for GSCE math, especially the science subjects.

7) Exams to take place at the same time as a typical year 

There were multiple things related to education that has been canceled and postponed, from checking the paper, appearing in exams to the opening of schools – everything. But before the exams were canceled this year, the Government consulted and suggested a short delay to start the exam time to get more time on teaching.

In 2022, subjects related to the GSCE and A level are given high value as these are going to be an asset to the students in 2022.

They will be going to appear on these subjects soon. But the Government also said that the summer exam series of 2022 will take place at the same time, as every year it happens, for all AS and A level GSCEs, it is important to allow students, parents, and teachers to plan ahead and come to an absolute solution.

8) Decisions to be announced in the autumn term 

The above-mentioned points are still discussing issues among teachers and institute management. The consultation regarding these factors just launched and it will run till February or late March, but most of the country’s Government aims to announce the decision by early March. Also, it is considering keeping the situation in mind that the qualifications can only be evaluated through exams, nothing else.

So, it is quite evident for the students this year that the exams must be helped and considered important. The exam regulator is still discussing the possibilities and will announce its decision soon.


The current status of the exam-related to the GSCE subjects and A levels is still on hold. But on the other hand, it is clear that the government is willing to establish some newest changes that help holding the exam this year.

However, the conditions and situation will also have to be kept in mind before proceeding towards anything final. If you are opting for GSCE coursework help, then don’t forget to understand the latest developments on the A-levels subjects. You should also know, what are the A-levels subject you should take?

Author Bio 

Rose Haughes works as a part-time lecturer at Baltimore. she loves to write blogs on students’ academic courses and the status of the latest learning at MyAssignmenthelp.com. She helps students know the latest features related to the exam pattern and the educational structure. Besides that, she loves horse riding and baking delicious cakes and cookies.