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4 Creative Ways to Make Money Online


The online world has massively expanded the ways we can make money over the past couple of decades. And the global corona virus pandemic has led to many people worldwide losing their jobs, or switching to a remote or home-based style of working. This has prompted many more people to start looking into new ways of earning an income, or striking a better work-life balance by avoiding the traditional daily commute to the office.

Apart from being able to work from almost anywhere in the world, there are a whole range of ways you can bring in extra income using the internet – making it suitable for thousands of people to tap into this opportunity.

There are so many ways to make money online that almost everybody can find a way that works for them. Whether it’s a part-time project, or a longer-term income generator, let’s consider some of the creative ways that you can start to make money online today.

  1. Writing your own blog  

Starting your own blog can be exciting and fun for you, and interesting and educational for your audience. Choosing something that you enjoy writing about is a great start, but if you’re looking to make money, consider what your audience might find useful.

Once your blog is set up, you can join affiliate marketing programs which allow you to earn money whenever your readers click through and make a purchase or sign up to something. This is a fantastic way to earn additional income even when you’re not online and working.

  1. Start a website  

Writing isn’t for everyone, so if a blog doesn’t appeal to you, start a website or online business. While any business is strengthened by a blog or vlog function, it’s not absolutely essential in the same way it is for a traditional blog.

Online websites can range from gaming sites such as TheBingoOnline.com, sales and shopping platforms such as clothing or furniture, or a website which focuses on providing excellent quality information and directs people to other useful resources or shopping links.


This is the perfect option for those who might want to start a business while also finding a way to generate more money online.

  1. Join the social media world and build your influence 

You’ve heard of social media influencers, so why not have a go at being one yourself? If you’ve got the confidence to present yourself to your audience and share some of your own thoughts, this is something you can set up easily enough. The challenge, however, is building your audience and getting to a point where you have a large enough following to be an attractive ambassador for products and services.

Once you have put in the time and effort to build an audience – which can be done through consistent content, good quality information, and engaging and interacting with your audience – you can begin to reach out to small businesses and companies which often have a budget to invest in social media influencers. This will earn you some extra cash, and help them to build their business!

  1. Put your designing skills to use  

People with designing skills, whether these skills have been gained in the offline or online world will always be in demand. If you are able to use editing software and other designing platforms to create graphics or edit photos and videos, there will always be freelancers, businesses, and bloggers who will want your help.

In order to market yourself effectively, create a platform – this could be a full website or a social media page – which showcases some of your recent work and allows people to explore whether they think you’re the right designer for them to work with.

In addition to using this platform to advertise your own services, depending on how you choose to do it you could also add affiliate links, a blog, a video channel, or other features to earn some extra money.


These are just a few of the creative ways that you can start generating some extra money or growing your online presence and networks. One of the key things to remember is patience – any online venture takes time and hard work, but will pay off in the end!