prime minister Narendra Modi On October 1, 2022, it officially launched 5G services in the country, ushering in the era of high-speed mobile internet.

After the launch, like many industry experts, Srijan Pal Singh, who was a policy advisor and Technologies The 11th President of India Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam also gave his opinion and explained what to expect from this technology in the coming years.

He told News18: “The march of India into 5G technology truly heralds a new era of digital India.”

According to him, 5G is expected to impact a wide range of industries, including agriculture, healthcare, education and even governance.

He told News18 that agriculture will benefit in terms of better real-time product knowledge and the inclusion of IoT-related devices such as drones and equipment.

“The introduction of 5G-enabled technologies is expected to transform the telecommunications and other industries by introducing a number of innovative new technologies. By 2035, applications based on 5G technology are expected to generate more than $12 trillion in the global economy,” he added.

Singh said 5G will provide unprecedented speed and low latency, enabling autonomous or even fully self-driving cars to become a reality on Indian roads.

He said the autonomous vehicle is expected to generate up to 25GB of data per hour that can only be handled by 5G.

“Imagine, every year we lose more than 150,000 lives due to road accidents – all of which can be avoided by using connected self-driving cars,” Singh added.

In addition, according to the expert, in order to understand the impact of 5G, it is necessary to emphasize that today people can get up to 100 Mbit / s (megabits per second) data transfer speed in the 4G network, while with 5G it will reach 10,000 Mbit / s (or 10 Gbps), about 100 times faster.

He believes that with 5G connectivity, India can truly realize the dream of creating a knowledge economy in the countryside.

Singh also said that 5G is expected to bring computing power to 600,000 villages in India, in line with Dr. Kalam’s PURA (Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas) model, where he talked about how e-communications will be the biggest asset for the growth of rural India . and expanding economic opportunities.

However, as 5G is believed to advance the concept of Digital India, many are wondering if it will make 3G and 4G obsolete.

Singh said that “not immediately, but in the same way that horse-drawn carriages were replaced by cars – newer, cheaper and better technologies will be adopted by society in favor of older systems.”

Elaborating further, he said there is also the question of 5G compatible devices in the short term. Currently, they are more expensive, about 10-20% more expensive than their 4G counterparts. In addition, consumers already have older generation devices, which he said will take time to replace.

India’s New Digital Highway

The service is launching in 13 cities, meaning it will be available to less than 10% of the population.

Singh noted that between 2023 and 2040, 5G technologies will bring about $450 billion to the Indian economy, or about 0.6% of GDP.

According to global telecoms industry body GSMA, India will have 920 million unique mobile subscribers by 2025, with around 10% of them being 5G users, while other organizations were more optimistic, citing the figure as high as 20%.

According to Singh, there will be an immediate boost for IT-based industries as well as the “gig economy” in the short term. The power of IoT, networked devices, and the human-machine interface-based industry will experience a significant impact during this decade thanks to 5G.

As of July 2022, about 70 countries, including the US, China and most of Europe, had 5G networks in place, up from just 38 in mid-2020.

When asked where he sees India’s position compared to the technology available in the US and China, he said both countries are several years ahead of India in 5G adoption and “so we also need significant investment to accelerate the deployment 5G”. .

He also noted that cybersecurity issues could potentially arise in the 5G era.

Singh, who co-authored the book Target 3 Billion and Advantage India with Dr Kalam, suggested that 5G devices and network manufacturing should be as local as possible.

He believes that this will not only support the economy, but also be important from the point of view of national security.

The expert noted: “This is particularly relevant for Chinese companies, as China’s cybersecurity law makes it mandatory for all companies to share all data with the government.”

“Most countries, including India, were wary of it. In fact, India has so far turned away Chinese companies from 5G. In the future too, we need to remain vigilant not only in China but also in any other foreign conspiracies and intrusions in our 5G leap,” Singh added.

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