prime minister Narendra Modi the launch of 5G services is expected India today during the Indian Mobile Congress (IMC) event. Initially, 5G services will be rolled out only in select cities, and by 2030, a third of India’s total connections will be 5G.

Prime Minister Modi will launch 5G services in India during the Indian Mobile Congress (IMC) event, which will last till October 4. IMC 2022, one of the largest telecommunications, media and technology forums in Asia, is held at Pragati Maidan, New York. Delhi. IMC is organized by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) and the Cellular Association of India (COAI).

5G is the next telecommunications standard, and it will be the fastest network in the evolution of mobile broadband. It is believed to be around 10 times faster than 4G, delivering peak data transfer speeds of up to 20 gigabytes per second, or more than 100 megabytes per second. According to a report by Ericsson Consumer Labs, more than 100 million users with 5G-ready smartphones want to switch to 5G in 2023, while most of them are ready to upgrade to higher data rates in the next 12 months.

“5G can unlock new economic opportunities and societal benefits, giving it the potential to be a transformative force for Indian society. This will help the country overcome traditional barriers to development, spur innovation by start-ups and enterprises, and advance the vision of ‘Digital India,’ an official DoT release said.

India’s 5G auctions concluded in August with bids worth around Rs 1.5 lakh crore. Reliance Jio led the 5G Spectrum auctions with bids worth over Rs 88,000 crore.

The government is aiming for 80 percent 5G adoption in the short term. Recently, IT and Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnav said that many countries took several years to reach 40-50 percent coverage. But India is targeting a very aggressive timeline, and the government has set a target of 80 percent coverage within a short timeframe. By 2030, 5G will account for more than a third of all connections in India.

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