Just three years after its initial launch, Google has decided to shut down Stadia, its cloud gaming platform. Now there’s one thing that needs our attention – the promise of better Games as a Service, and is that reason enough to move away from the very idea that makes games fun?

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I believe that for cloud gaming to have a future, companies need to redouble their efforts to create quality games. The platform is created by the games, not the other way around. We’ve seen companies like Sony and Nintendo focus primarily on their first line of games to create an impressive lineup of games. Can you imagine PlayStation without God of War, Uncharted or Crash Bandicoot? Or, say, Nintendo without Mario or Zelda games? No, right?

Although the Nintendo Switch didn’t launch in India, it found an audience and continues to sell well. Yes, it’s a physical console designed for a tactile experience, but let’s face it: no one in their right mind would invest in one if it weren’t for Nintendo’s first line.

Google failed to recognize that bringing quality games to its platform should have been a priority from the start. Over the past few years, Google hasn’t been able to launch any of its own or possibly “exclusive” titles on its Stadia service. Additionally, the third-party games it brought to the platform performed better on physical consoles like the Xbox and PlayStation due to disruptions when playing in the cloud.

Imagine you have a PlayStation 5 console and want to play Destiny 2. Will you subscribe to a recurring service, buy a new controller, and rely on your internet connection speed to ensure a smooth experience? Simply put, no.

So how could it succeed?

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Even if we ignore the current limitations of cloud gaming and the fact that most cloud gaming services like GeForce Now shy away from huge markets like India, the reason people are drawn to gaming is still a big challenge for most GAAS, and again, it’s having compelling and powerful narratives that make games great.

So, yes, I believe that cloud gaming can indeed have a future if companies recognize the need for an “original” experience. The infrastructure and technology inconsistencies will eventually be ironed out, but in the meantime, let’s make sure we’re at least talking about it.

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