an apple India has now launched its own sale on its online store in response to the ongoing festive discounts in India. On all orders above Rs 41,900, Apple is promising an immediate flat rate discount of Rs 7,000. This means you can buy the latest iPhone 14 series at a discount of Rs 7,000, but only for select customers.

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Apple India says you can instantly save up to 7% on all products, including the recently launched second-generation AirPods Pro, iPhone 14 series, MacBooks and even iPads when you use eligible HDFC Bank credit cards and American Express cards. The minimum order value to qualify for this offer is Rs 41,900 and is valid for single or multiple items. The company also offers savings in the form of No Cost EMI for up to six months. The trade-in value of your old smartphone still holds if you are eligible for this offer.

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iPhone 14 series at its lowest price since launch

The Apple iPhone 14 series went on sale on September 16, earlier this month. However, depending on the model, you can avail a discount of up to Rs 5,000 or Rs 4,000 for HDFC credit card customers. But thanks to Apple’s holiday sale, you can buy the iPhone 14 starting at Rs 72,900 and the iPhone 14 Pro starting at Rs 1,22,900. This is the lowest price the phones have been available at since launch. In addition to the holiday offers, you can continue to take advantage of Apple’s free engraving initiative.

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