A girl named Hana Muhammad Rafiq wrote to Tim Cook about a storytelling program she created called Hanas.

Apple CEO Tim Cook responded to an email sent by a 9-year-old Indian app developer from Dubai and congratulated her on becoming the youngest iOS app developer in the world.

Apple CEO Tim Cook responded to an email sent by a 9-year-old Indian app developer from Dubai and congratulated her on becoming the youngest iOS app developer in the world. A girl named Hana Muhammad Rafiq wrote to Tim Cook about a storytelling program she created called Hanas.

The Hanas app helps parents record stories. This is a free app for iOS. The girl claimed to have developed the app when she was eight years old and wrote almost 10,000 lines of code. She also mentioned that she has been coding since she was 5 years old.

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She asked Cook to review the program and claimed to have avoided using off-the-shelf third-party libraries, classes, or code when developing the Hanas program.

Responding to the email, Cook reportedly congratulated the girl on her many remarkable achievements at such a tender age. He also said that if she perseveres, she will achieve incredible things in the future.

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Hannah has a sister, Lina, and both are said to be self-taught coders who support their parents. Her sister has a website called Lehanas website which is dedicated to teaching children. It goes without saying that Hana wants to work at Apple after she goes to study in the US.

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