LG Electronics said it unveiled the world’s largest organic light-emitting diode (OLED) TV at the latest US show in a bid to target the premium TV market in North America.

LG Electronics has unveiled its line of 97-inch OLED TVs, or OLED evo Gallery Edition, at the Consumer Electronics Design & Installation Association (CEDIA) Expo 2022 held in Dallas, Texas, Yonhap news agency reported.

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The South Korean consumer electronics giant first unveiled a 97-inch OLED TV at the IFA 2022 electronics show in Berlin last month. At CEDIA 2022, the company also showcased Flex, the world’s first bendable gaming OLED monitor, and the mobile LG StanbyME.

LG Electronics said with the latest new lineup it aims to strengthen its leadership in the US premium TV market as demand is expected to be high during key US shopping seasons such as Black Friday in November and Christmas. OLED TVs accounted for 33.2% of all LG TV sales in the first half of the year.

TV manufacturers redoubled their activity in the high-end, more profitable segment, where demand fell less markedly than in the budget category.

In the premium TV segment, where TVs cost $2,500 and up, Samsung Electronics Co. took 53.6 percent of the market share, followed by LG with 21.5 percent and Sony with 17.2 percent, according to industry tracker Omdia.

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In the OLED TV segment, LG maintained its solid No. 1 spot, selling 1.69 million units in the first half, accounting for about 62 percent of all global OLED shipments.

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